Proficient Learners. Passionate Leaders.
Grades 5 to 8 – Private Middle School in Morristown, NJ

The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (MYP) is a truly distinguishing feature at The Red Oaks School. Our students engage in an internationally acclaimed and challenging intellectual framework that encourages them to make concrete connections between their studies and the real world. Our middle school students are immersed in a broad and balanced education that prepares them for success in further study and in life.
Learn more about the IB MYP program here.
At Red Oaks, our academic focus is on a conceptually based curriculum, with interdisciplinary connections, and authentic assessment.
A unit of study might unfold like this:
- Begin with a Concept
- Delve Deeper Using Diverse Resources
- Probe Various Types of Questions
- Use Research-based Learning Structures to Actively Make Meaning
- Evaluate with Authentic Assessment and Reflection
Begin with a Concept
Delve Deeper Using Diverse Resources
Probe Various Types of Questions
Use Research-based Learning Structures to Actively Make Meaning
Evaluate with Authentic Assessment and Reflection
The International Baccalaureate Program at Red Oaks:
- Mathematics
- Language and Literature
- Individuals and Societies (Social Studies)
- World Languages
- Science
- Physical Education
- Health and Wellness
- STEAM/Design
- Learner Profile, Executive Skills, and Diversity Curriculum
- The Arts
- IB Community Project
- Advisory Program